Founded in 1886, the BSA is a UK-registered charity and is one of nine British International Research Institutes that receive annual funding from the British Academy.
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Title —Please choose an option—MrMsMrsDrProf.Lord
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Degree Status —Please choose an option—UndergraduateMasterDoctoralPost-Doctoral
Please fill in here the corpus of study together with bibliographic references if published WITH IMAGES (for unpublished send us the permission from the excavator or BSA). If you know in detail the corpus send us the full catalogue with inventory numbers and full bibliographic references.
Attach pdf document if it is a detailed corpus with more than 10 objects
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Supervisor first name
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I understand that permission to examine materials, if granted, DOES NOT include permission to publish those materials and that a separate written permission to publish must be made to the Archives of the British School at Athens. Study permissions are granted for 5 years at which time one must reapply to the School for an extension. Copies of all photos need to be given to the BSA.
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