Carrie Sawtell, “Χρηστὸς / χρηστή in 4th and 3rd century BC Attic Epitaphs”
Carrie Sawtell (BSA Macmillan-Rodewald Student 2019/20), “Χρηστὸς / χρηστή in 4th and 3rd century BC Attic Epitaphs” BSA Virtual Lecture, 8 June 2020
Carrie Sawtell (BSA Macmillan-Rodewald Student 2019/20), “Χρηστὸς / χρηστή in 4th and 3rd century BC Attic Epitaphs” BSA Virtual Lecture, 8 June 2020
Michael Loy (BSA, Assistant Director), “Luxury and commodity shipping routes in archaic Greece” Upper House Seminar December 2, 2019
Dr Polyxeni Adam-Veleni (Director, General Directorate of Antiquities, Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports), “Θεσσαλονίκη: μια μεγαλειώδης μητρόπολη της Αρχαίας Μακεδονίας” Upper House Seminar, British School at Athens14 October, 2019
Charlotte Van Regenmortel (BSA Macmillan-Rodewald Student / PhD candidate, University of Leicester), “Warriors into workers: Military service as wage labour in the Late Classical and Early Hellenistic periods”Upper House SeminarBritish […]
Dr Chryssanthi Papadopoulou (BSA Assistant Director), “Exorcising Fear: Ritual Performances in Classical Athens”British School at Athens, Upper House, 27th May 2019
Onyeka Igwe (BSA Arts Bursary Holder/London College of Communication), “Being Close to, with or Amongst: other ways of Knowing the Archive”British School at Athens, Upper House, 4th June 2019
Prof. Jonathan Hall (University of Chicago), “Chasing the shadows of the past in Late Ottoman Argos” Upper House Seminar, 8th April 2019
Prof. Judith Barringer (University of Edinburgh), “The message is in the medium: White-ground lekythoi and stone grave markers in Classical Athens.” Upper House Seminar, 25 February 2019
Prof. Dimitris Plantzos (University of Athens), “Mind the gap: revisiting Greece’s national “sites of trauma” British School at Athens, Upper House, 10 December 2018
Prof. Dimitris Papanikolaou (University of Oxford), “Critically queer and haunted: on how (not) to do the history of Greek (homo)sexuality” Upper House Seminar, 22nd October 2018