Williams Fellowship in Ceramic Petrology
The Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens invites applications for the post of Williams Fellow in ceramic petrology.
The Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens invites applications for the post of Williams Fellow in ceramic petrology.
The Penrose and Payne rooms will close from 4 pm on Tuesday 31 May in order to facilitate the Michael Frede Memorial Lecture “Self-sufficiency in Aristotle and others: what’s so […]
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The BSA seeks a full-time Digital Asset Manager to help the realise the ambitious goals of standardising and integrating its administrative, research and outreach data into a central database.
The BSA Library has opened to readers on Thursday 27 January.
The BSA library as a member of Organizing Committee for the Support of Libraries (CSL) co-organizes its second webcast and brings together library and information professionals from Greece and abroad […]
Nominations are invited for the election of one member of Council as representative of the Regular Members. Only Regular Members in the current (2021-2022) and previous (2020-2021) sessions are eligible […]