The School Teacher Fellowship at the British School at Athens is offered each year to enable a teacher to pursue a project in Greece designed to enhance their teaching (for example by researching a course, preparing teaching materials, visiting sites or using the Library). The Fellowship is non-stipendiary, and includes one week of accommodation at our Athens or Knossos base and an airfare up to £300, and may be taken at any stage of the academic year by agreement with the School Director.
Applications are welcome from teachers in all types of school, but priority will be given to teachers from non-selective state schools, especially those working in schools with a high proportion of students from backgrounds which are traditionally under-represented in the teaching of classical subjects, e.g. those from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background and/or where a high percentage of pupils are eligible for Free School Meals.
Applicants are advised to contact in advance of developing a proposal the School Administrator Mrs Tania Gerousi ( should they need permissions to visit sites. The School Teacher Fellow will be required to submit a report on his/her research to the School’s Courses & Teaching Subcommittee, and to the Gilbert Murray Trust Classics Committee.
Applications must include a short proposal (1,000 words maximum), a Curriculum Vitae, and a reference letter from the applicant’s Head Teacher or Head of Department, as appropriate.
The deadline for applications was Friday 12th January 2024.